Notation based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Law
Company Name
palisa LLC
Business name
Kosuke God Hatsune
Location of business
1-59-5 Mejirodai, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo
Business contact information
Business hours, shop information, etc.
We will sell it in a limited quantity and made to order.
Selling price
The selling price is inclusive of tax.
In addition, a separate shipping fee may be charged.
Please check the product details page for shipping charges.
Payment method and timing
Payment method: Credit card payment is available.
Payment time: Payment will be confirmed when the product order is confirmed.
Deferred payment (convenience store: payment within 14 days after billing):
Settlement fee: 300 yen (tax included)
Click here for the "Mirai Barai" terms for postpaid payment
Product delivery time
It depends on the region from the shipping date of the item description.
About returns
Unless the product is defective, we basically do not accept returns.